Não há experiência mais gratificante que a participação e contentamento dos alunos nas aulas de inglês, considerando este fato, procurei envolver o aluno nas aulas, considerando as datas comemorativas e feriados mais importantes do calendário nacional. Isto possibilita ao aluno relacionar os conteúdos gramaticais da lingua inglesa aos acontecimento comemorativos o que torna as aulas mais gratificantes. Pesquisei no google a seguinte imagem com os símbolos da páscoa e em seguida anexei a seguinte interpretação textual encontrada no site www.englishexercises.org
Easter Vocabulary
(vocabulário da páscoa)
1°) Observe o círculo mundial da páscoa, e ,em seguida, circule e após reescreva os simbolos da páscoa:
Interpretação Textual
Easter Sunday is a happy day. On Easter Sunday, Jesus' friends learned that he was alive again. They went to the cave where Jesus had been buried. The huge rock that had blocked the door of the cave was rolled away. The cave was empty.
Then they saw an angel. The angel told them, "Jesus is not here. He has risen just like He promised!" Jesus was alive again. His friends were very happy.
Some of His friends did
not believe that Jesus had really come back to life. They did not
believe until He came to see them. Then they were happy too.
Jesus promised that
everyone who believed on Him would someday live with Him. Many
Christians celebrate that promise by going to church on Easter Sunday.
Some go very early when the sun is coming up. Others go later in the
day. Many people wear their best clothes. The churches are full of
flowers. The people sing joyful hymns. They remember the story of the
resurrection. Then, they go home to celebrate with family or friends.
2°) Complete os espaços com palavras retiradas do texto:
- On Easter Sunday, Jesus' friends learned that He was again.
- Jesus had been buried in a .
- When His friends went to the cave, the rock that had the door was rolled away.
- An told them "He is not here; He has risen just like He promised."
- Jesus that everyone who believed in Him would someday live with Him.
3°) Retire do texto a resposta para as seguintes perguntas:
- Why was Easter a happy day?
- Where was the rock that had blocked the door of the cave?
- Who told Jesus' friends that He was alive again?
- Did everyone believe that Jesus had come back to life?
- How did Jesus prove that He was alive?
- What did Jesus promise everyone who believed in Him?
- How do Christians celebrate the promise of Jesus?