domingo, 3 de junho de 2012

June Party in Brazil- Atividade sobre festas juninas em inglês

Como todos já sabem, sou professora de inglês da rede privada de ensino e estou com um projeto que visa a ressignificação de vocabulários utilizados em feriados nacionais e datas comemorativas como: páscoa, natal, dia das mães... Desta vez resolvi elaborar esta atividade que traz o vocabulário utilizado nas festas juninas aqui no Brasil traduzido em palavras e expressões da língua inglesa. O que é muito relevante, pois  aproxima os conteúdos trabalhados em sala à realidade dos educandos, além de tornar a aula mais lúdica.

June Party in Brazil

This is a traditional party where people dress like country people. It's called "June Party" and it heappens all over the Country (180 million people). From babies to old people, everybody dresses colorful clothes and paints mustaches at male faces, pink blush with few black dots on female faces.

On northeast states, commemorations lasts more than a month. Every year a city is elected to be the capital of this "Festa Junina" (June Party)and they receive tourists from all over the country during this period.

Popcorn, campfire, fireworks, candies, hot dogs, "quentão" (hot drink with cachaça) and a lot of flags. Even a fake marriage where a man has to marry his pregnant girlfriend. Behind them, her father hands a rifle to guarantee the marriage and her honor.

1°) translate into Portuguese the text here:

2º) read the text and then complete with the words in English:


The ______is going up, the ________is going down, the sky is ____________, the night is __________, Saint João, Saint João! Put fire on the ____________of my ___________.

3º) The corn is one of the symbols of June Party in brazil. Lets glue some dots of corn!!

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